New posts in orthography

When or why did the pronunciation of the word "renovate" change? [duplicate]

Is my StackExchange-Description written correctly? [closed]

Hiscore vs Highscore [closed]

Why is “phony” spelled with a ph?

Where does the phrase "fair do's/dues/doos/does" come from?

If a letter isn't pronounced but affects pronunciation of other letters, is it still 'silent'?

Which version of English is most common in Switzerland?

Where do the idiosyncrasies in the spellings of English words come from and why do they survive?

Is a "misspelled" word which subsequently creates another word still considered misspelled? [closed]

Why is it "wherever" instead of "whereever"?

Gray or Grey, Which one should I use? [duplicate]

Differentiating between "written" and "writing" [closed]

Capitalization and hyphenation of proper noun declensions [duplicate]

How is 'compound noun' defined in CGEL?

Why is the noun "blacklist" (written without a space) in the dictionary, but not "whitelist"? [closed]

Past participle - learned or learnt? [duplicate]

Should I say "One-Click RemovER" or "One-Click RemovAL"?

Seeking etymological explanation of card game Euchre based on its spelling

"Practice/practise" and "licence/license"

What do the letters ï and ô mean? [duplicate]