New posts in orthography

Why does the letter "a" correspond to /ɪ/ in words like "image", "private" and "surface" (American English)?

What do you call words that are typed the same way on a phone keypad?

What did James V mean by “afferandly”?

Why is the syllable division in "experience" different from its pronunciation

initialised or initialized which one is correct spelling? [duplicate]

spatio or spatial

"Champing on the bit"

Older English Term

The difference between "anyway" and "any way"

Is hierarchial a word?

Masters or Master's (for my specific situation) [duplicate]

"miss assessed" “miss-assessed” or “misassessed”?

When did spelling "-ic" words "-ick" start/stop being popular?

Does the word "please" come from "plea"? [closed]

About the 't' in 'listener' [duplicate]

Which is a more common way, 10+ or 10 then + as superscript?

What is the plural for timeout?

Why is the plural form of piano "pianos" and not "pianoes"?

What does the word stror mean?

Is "sound approach" an accepted phrase?