Which is a more common way, 10+ or 10 then + as superscript?

Solution 1:

10+ is sometimes used as a shorthand for 10 or more. Do not superscript the +.

A superscript + is normally only used for positively charged ions or particles: H+ for hydrogen ions, Na+ for natrium ions, K+ for potassium ions, Zn2+ for zinc ions, H3O+ for hydronium ions, NH4+ for ammonium ions, e+ for positrons, μ+ for antimuons.

Otherwise, superscripts are used:

  • in mathematics, for exponents: 106 is a million, 1 m2 is a squared metre
  • for footnotes
  • for the abbreviations TM (trade mark) and SM (service mark) following a trade mark or a service mark
  • for digits behind the decimal point or comma: $1.50
  • for the final letters of ordinals: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
  • for the final letters of abbreviations that contain the first and final letters: Mlle for mademoiselle, Mr for monsieur or mister, Dr for doctor

Modern style guides advise against the use of superscripts in the last three points.

Solution 2:

I have not seen that usage of 10+ with a superscript as 10+.

Wikipedia says in Subscript and superscript

In English, most nontechnical use of superiors is archaic.

although I do still see (and sometimes use) superscript for ordinals like 10th.

But it comes down to a matter of preferred style.