New posts in orthography

"Referer" or "referrer"

What is the best way to explain how to choose between "its" and "it's"?

Parenthetical pluralization of words ending in '-y'

Why is ‘i’ in milk pronounced differently from ‘i’ in find?

Retriable or retryable?

Why is the letter 'Q' almost always followed by the letter 'U'?

"Time zone" vs. "Timezone"

Why did they spell it "URL’s"?

Use of “f ” instead of “s” in historic, printed English documents

Should the first word after a colon be capitalized?

Correct way to spell "young'un"? [closed]

Could a comma be used after a question mark? [duplicate]

"Whereäs" as an alternative spelling of "whereas"

Difference between "publicly" and "publically"

What happened to the “ch” in moschito?

Why are there so few English words that begin with the letter X?

Is there an apostrophe in a master's degree?

What is the difference between dialogue and dialog?

"s" vs. "z" in BE vs. AE

Pluralization of names