New posts in parenthetical-plural

How to deal with unknown plurality

Should item(s) be followed by is or are? [duplicate]

Equivalent of using (s) to indicate possible plural for words using "ies" for plural? [duplicate]

Countable noun with irregular plural form [duplicate]

What do you call a 'noun' with a (s) suffix e.g. parent(s)?

How do I present a word ending in “‑f ” that may be plural or singular?

Verb agreement with subjects of different grammatical number [duplicate]

How can I say Coaching in plural?

How can I optionally pluralize the word "diagnosis" in writing?

Historical frequency of parenthetical plural(s)

How do you make a word like "parent(s)" possessive? [duplicate]

Is it "room(s)" or "room/s" when referring to the possibility of more than one of something? [Parenthetical plurals]

Singular or plural verb when pluralisation is used in parentheses [duplicate]

How to write a parenthetical plural when the noun pluralizes irregularly?

Number agreement when using “(s)” for optional plural

What is the optional plural form of a word that ends in “‑y”?

Parenthetical pluralization of words ending in '-y'

When a sentence uses a parenthetical plural, should the rest of the sentence treat it as singular or plural?