New posts in modifiers

Adverbial modifier with the insertion of comma

"the below-identified person": Term for this style and any style guides regarding

“Terrified, John locked the door” — Is the comma necessary?

What is the difference between an adjective and a noun modifier?

present participles, pronoun [duplicate]

Term for words that are modified by prefixing the word with "a" (e.g. anew, aplenty)

Can I use an adjective as a modifier at the beginning of a sentence?

"I wish for a rest now": what does "now" modify?

placement of "only"

Does a modifier before a conjunction like `and` apply to both the subjects of `and`?

Confusion about the implied repetition (or not) of an adjective in a parallel construction

Which clauses with phrases

What's large about the Large Hadron Collider?

What does an adjunct modify?

Word for "many" for mass nouns

Is a dark polka dot necktie dark?

A confusing example of Noun Modifiers

"User's expertise" or "user expertise"?

How to tell which word a prepositional phrase is modifying?

Differences between "very" and "very much" as adjective modifiers