New posts in modifiers

Does "Predicate" includes object, complement and modifiers?

Determining licensing in CaGel by means of substitution test

Nationality modifier vs. Language modifier

How to determine if a "[something] fighter" fights for or against [something]?

When can auxiliary "have" for a past participle in a modifier be omitted?

Could someone deconstruct this sentence and explain where it is right or wrong grammatically?

What is the nature of, and syntactic distinction between, modifier and complement?

"I am happy because I am rich." Exactly which part does the subordinate clause modify?

What do adverbs modify and can it be ambiguous?

Are "way better" and "way more" correct?

Removing modifier error

Should there be a comma in 'a 30-day, money-back guarantee'?

Non-existing or nonexisting [closed]

What's the difference between adjuncts and modifiers?

"high-quality" vs. "quality"

Noun adjuncts or complements? [duplicate]

"Huge potential profit" vs. "huge profit potential"

Which is correct, "sales price" or "sale price"?

In structures such as 'football manager', is 'football' a modifier or a complement of the head noun?

Is it correct to write "a 5-mm-thick layer"?