Which is correct, "sales price" or "sale price"?

I have a list of items with their details such as item name, quantity, purchase price, sales price/sale price, etc. What is more correct to write in the heading, sales price or sale price?

Solution 1:

Acoording to Ngram they are both common definitions, but have different meaning as shown below. In your specific case 'sales price' is the correct expression if you are referring to regular, non-discount sales.

Sale price :

  • The discounted price of an item from the regular selling price.

Sales price:

  • Alternative term for price.

Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com

Solution 2:

Although both are possibly interchangeable:

Sale Price is usually used when the item has a lower price than normal due to a sale.

The discounted price of an item from the regular selling price.

While sales price is an "alternative term for price" according to Business Dictionary.

Solution 3:

In the retail industry we avoid this ambiguity - the common substitute is the selling price meaning the price it finally sells at.

Other terms include the cost price which is usually the price the retailer paid for it, the gross price which is usually the price before discount and the nett price which can be used as the price after discounting but before tax.