New posts in linguistics

Where does "ta!" come from?

What's the term for adding an adjective unnecessarily when the noun already conveys that property? [duplicate]

Is there a well-known term for the synonym or near-synonym "telescoping" words?

A word for "using two words next to each other that mean the same thing"?

What are "coherence" and "cohesion" in text linguistics?

Analysis (tree diagram) of "She hugged and kissed her mother"

Is it true that iambic pentameter is "natural" to English? If so, why?

Is there a term for when the "d'" is dropped in a "not" contraction?

What is the origin of the "-th" suffix? What is the linguistic term for the meaning it adds to words?

Term for using "thingy-esque" phrases rather than a common word

How do you proceed from pronouncing "t" in the regular way to t-glottalization, as found in various English accents?

Is there a term for switching syllables of words?

"We went swimming later in the afternoon, Jack and I."

Pure verbal nouns/deverbal nouns vs. gerunds

Meaning of "native speaker of English"

Could a comma be used after a question mark? [duplicate]

English questions and negation with *do* in syntax

“kinda”, “sorta”, “coulda”, “shoulda”, “lotta”, “oughta”, “betcha”, "tseasy", etc. What are these?

Etymology of "fairy"

How much of the English lexis comes from each of its influences?