New posts in linguistics

Is there a maximum number of suffixes that can be added to an English word?

I'm not sure how to mark the clause boundaries

Are there sounds where the tongue is not symmetrical?

Is there a term for "*cough*<something>*cough*"?

Semi-vowels in English [duplicate]

One-letter words in English language

Am I imagining the Warshington (Washington) accent?

Difference between /ʌ/ and /ə/ in English IPA

Are there names for consonant-shifts when suffixes are added?

Good and bad - suppletive adjectives

Are "I scream" and "Ice cream" homophones, or do we have another term here?

Is there a term for “neutral” words whose connotations are limited to being either positive or negative?

Language Gibberish

What's the grammatical or linguistic term for general, non-specific words? [closed]

If someone is an expert in written (rather than spoken) language, can they still be called a "linguist"?

Has English adopted any common morphemes from languages that are not Greek, Latin, or French?

Why is it "ladies and gentlemen" instead of "gentlemen and ladies"? [duplicate]

Doesn't English have vowel harmony?

Old English instead of Latin in early Britain

What's the current scholarly opinion on the "minims" explanation for the spelling of "love", "tongue," etc?