New posts in linguistics

Exactly what language do I (we) speak?

What is morphological analysis of words to estimate their meaning called?

When and why did the letter "u" begin being called [ju]?

Subject-verb inversion / verb-subject-object -- is this correct?

Is the history of h-dropping in English in any way related to the silent h of French?

What is the correct linguistic term for names that are statements?

What's the synonym of "Module"? [closed]

The spelling "ui" and the pronunciation /uː/ in juice, fruit, bruise, cruise, sluice, suit, nuisance, recruit, bruit

Dead as a doorknob: idiom changes due to misuse

What is the term for replacing a name or brand with a funny pejorative / sardonicism?

What's the difference between grammar and syntax?

Is there such a thing as an unvoiced vowel?

Origin of stating indirect object by sentence structure and no pronoun

Adjectives that do not have predicative position

What are words and phrases called collectively?

Why did "insofar" become a word, not "insofaras"?

Regarding the "i" in "think" vs "bit"

British upper-class pronunciation of words like "what" and "when"

I am [who/whom] G-d made me

What makes a non-native English speaker sound foreign? [closed]