What's the synonym of "Module"? [closed]

I want to know the synonym of the word "module" in the context of university. What is another way to call a module of a university course? can I call it a subject ?

Solution 1:

I don't think you can call it a subject, but perhaps a "unit".

Solution 2:

I believe the word course is frequently used for a module one completes at university, such as "Greek Linguistics I".

Solution 3:

Different universities will have different internal vocabulary, so you should not assume there is any option that will be unambiguous. In fact, from reading your question I'm not actually sure what you are referring to by 'module of a university course'.

Suitable words might be course, paper, chapter, section, part, element, component, unit or others.

If the detail is important, either check what the specific university term is, or provide some context, for example I studied Maths and Philosophy; the first year involved three philosophy courses, each of which had eight sections or This semester the Medicine students are studying their Anatomy module, which has three papers.