New posts in ing

Why isn't "I'm glad to hearing from you" correct?

Using being in the middle of sentences [duplicate]

Use of an adjective instead of adverb with gerund?

Why is "....although taking..." wrong in this sentence?

Function of the ing-forms in this sentence?

In "experience teaching", is "experience" a noun adjunct?

"He was sitting on the bench" or "He sat on the bench" [closed]

Participles? Present participles? Are they nouns too? [duplicate]

How to pronounce '-ing' followed by a vowel

Is "swimming" a gerund in "I went swimming"?

Usage of the word suicide - validity of 'suiciding'

Can "when verb+ing" refer to an activity in the past?

Is "calling" a gerund in "calling bell"? [closed]

Is the -ing a participle in the sentence?

Is "hanging bats" a participial phrase, gerund phrase, or simple noun phrase? [duplicate]

What is wrong with this sentence: "This is an obstacle to start in Turkey"

Is "Should be *ing" a valid English phrasing?

In "Lucifer Rising" - grammatical explanation for use of -ing form instead of "Rises"?

Gerund or Participle?

When to delete Verb to be