New posts in ing

Hear Me Roar Vs Hear Me Roaring? [duplicate]

Why do people pronounce "f***ing" like "f***en"? [duplicate]

When is it acceptable to start a sentence with an "-ing" word?

Use of an ~ing form with another verb

Can a sentence have two ing-verbs in a row?

The "-ing" form of a verb and indefinite article [closed]

Looking forward to follow vs. following [duplicate]

Only "propose/suggest" doing actions you yourself will be involved in

Cooking apples and cleaning ladies

Is "programming" not a noun?

What part of speech is ‘mountains’ in the sentence “I like climbing mountains”?

What’s the ‘accusative absolute’?

What is the origin of "GO + VERB + ING"?

"Doing such stunts ARE punishable" or "Doing such stunts IS punishable"? [duplicate]

When can the -ing form of a verb be placed before a noun?

Stative verbs in the continuous form?

progressive forms: participle or gerund?

Ambiguous Information on ''verb -to and verb -ing''

"I saw him crossing" vs. "I saw him cross" [duplicate]

"...his parents' dream of *him* achieving a Cambridge degree." What is the function of "him" here? [duplicate]