New posts in graph-theory

Chromatic polynomial properties

Returning Paths on Cubic Graphs

What's special about 323 and squared rectangles?

Prove that a tree with a vertex $v$ of degree $k > 1$ has at least $k$ leaves

Difference between k-coloring and k-colorable?

How to approach this discrete graph question about Trees.

If $G$ is simple with $n$ vertices, doesn't have a triangle and the minimum degree is greater than $\frac{2n}{5}$, then $G$ is bipartite.

Two seemingly unrelated puzzles have very similar solutions; what's the connection?

How can we formalise the notion of the face of a planar graph?

Let $n \ge 9$. How many trees are there on vertex set $[n]$ such that at least one vertex has degree $n-3$?

The Expectation and Variance of the number of $k$ size sets containing exactly $m$ edges in $G(n, p)$

How many disconnected graphs of the Rubik's cube exist?

Rank of a graph matrix

Maximally dense Unit Distance Graphs

Spielman's proof of graph connectivity

How can I find the minimum cut on a graph using a maximum flow algorithm?

Show that triangle-free planar graphs are four-colorable

3-regular connected planar graph

Sample Directed Graph and Topological Sort Code [closed]

Question about the proof that 'A graph with maximum degree at most k is (k + 1) colorable