New posts in random-graphs

Literature recommendation on random graphs

Erdős-Rényi model, network reliability

The Expectation and Variance of the number of $k$ size sets containing exactly $m$ edges in $G(n, p)$

expectation value - box and balls

Expectation number of cycles in a Erdős–Rényi random directed graph $G(n,p)$

Average degree of graph and degree

Expected number of triangles in a random graph of size $n$

Random walk on thin ice?

Probability that a random graph is planar

Lower bound for the Ramsey number $R(3,t)$

The largest component of G(n, p)

Size of connected regions on a randomly-colored infinite chessboard

Why "One cannot construct more than countably many independent random variables"?

The probability of having a perfect matching in a bipartite graph

Standard deviation of number of triangles in Erdos-Renyi uniform random graph G(n,m)

The random graph $\mathbf{G}_{n,p}$ contains a cycle a.a.s. when $p=\frac{1-\theta}{n}$, $\theta\ll 1$

How likely is it not to be anyone's best friend?