New posts in bipartite-graphs

Complement of a bipartite graph

Graphs: How to prove that chromatic number of graph $G$ is $2^k$ if and only is $G$ is union of $k$ bipartite graphs?

Graph partition that span a third of edges

Prove that all trees are bipartite

Can a bipartite graph have many Hamiltonian paths but no Hamiltonian cycle?

If $G$ is simple with $n$ vertices, doesn't have a triangle and the minimum degree is greater than $\frac{2n}{5}$, then $G$ is bipartite.

Minimum vertices set bipartite graph covering-special case

Spanning forests of bipartite graphs and distinct row/column sums of binary matrices

Every bipartite Eulerian graph is a Hamilton graph

Partition of the edges of a $4$-regular graph

Finding the spanning subgraphs of a complete bipartite graph

For this grid prove it has a scattered black diagonal. [duplicate]

The probability of having a perfect matching in a bipartite graph

Maximum number of edges in a bipartite graph

Prove that a $k$-regular bipartite graph has a perfect matching