New posts in graph-theory

How can a finite graph be viewed as a discrete analogue of a Riemann surface?

Coloring Graph Problem

Minimum vertices set bipartite graph covering-special case

Chromatic polynomial for a bipartite graph

Graph theory question

Verify that R(p,2) = R(2,p) = p, where R is the Ramsey number

Proving bipartition in a connected planar graph

Expectation number of cycles in a Erdős–Rényi random directed graph $G(n,p)$

How to understand if task on graph-theory has analytical solution?

Does it matter where we start on an Euler graph?

Doubling the cube with unit sticks

Extremal combinatorics

Maximum number of vertices in connected graph with every degree at most 6 and distance between any two vertices at most 2

Showing there is a node in the graph with only one edge

How to simply prove that a certain graph is a subdivision of $K_{3,3}$

Why are the eigenvectors of the Laplacian of a ring graph sinusoidal?

Connectedness property of $R^2$

Minimum degree of a graph and existence of perfect matching

Prove that there exist regular tournament of every odd order but there is no regular tournament of even order.

Show that a finite regular bipartite graph has a perfect matching