New posts in planar-graphs

Planar graphs with $n \geq 2$ vertices have at least two vertices whose degree is at most 5

Can a planar graph be drawn with all vertices on a straight line?

The drawn diagonals divide the $N\times N$ board into $K$ regions. For each $N$, determine the smallest and the largest possible values of $K$.

Algorithm for planarity test in graphs

Number of Vertices of a connect planer graph with 100 edges

Every simple planar graph with $\delta\geq 3$ has an adjacent pair with $deg(u)+deg(v)\leq 13$

In a nearest neighbors graph (with odd number of vertices) is it possible that no vertex has degree one? [closed]

Hard planar graph problem

How to explain that the complete graph $K_5$ is non planar without Kuratowski's theorem.

Show that planar graph has at least 4 nodes of degree 5 of less

Complement of the $3$-dimensional Cube $\overline {Q_3}$ is nonplanar

Is L(K4) graph planar?

Which graphs can be drawn using straight lines with no disjoint edges?

Curves in $\mathbb{R} ^3 $ [duplicate]

How can we formalise the notion of the face of a planar graph?

3-regular connected planar graph

Kuratowski counterexample [duplicate]

Euler's formula for triangle mesh

Checking whether a graph is planar

Can there exist an uncountable planar graph?