New posts in spectral-graph-theory

Multiplicity of 0 eigenvalue of directed graph Laplacian matrix

A finite graph G is $d$-regular if, and only if, its adjacency matrix has the eigenvalue $λ = d$

Significance of eigenvalue

How to read Spectral Theory of Graphs

Spectral clustering k, vs k-means k?

Geometric intuition of graph Laplacian matrices

Spielman's proof of graph connectivity

Eigenstructure of discrete Laplacian on uniform grid

Spectrum of adjacency matrix of complete graph

Theoretical link between the graph diffusion/heat kernel and spectral clustering

Intuitive interpretation of the adjacency matrix as a linear operator.

Why Laplacian Matrix need normalization and how come the sqrt of Degree Matrix?

Can I find the connected components of a graph using matrix operations on the graph's adjacency matrix?

All Ihara $\zeta$ functions for planar $k$-regular graphs with a given set of faces are equivalent

Is it known how many graphs on $n$ vertices have the same characteristic equations?

What does the minimal eigenvalue of a graph say about the graph's connectivity?

What can we say about the graph when many eigenvalues of the Laplacian are equal to 1?

On the invertibility of the adjacency matrix of a graph

What is the intuition behind / How can we interpret the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Euclidean Distance Matrices?

What do the eigenvectors of an adjacency matrix tell us?