New posts in grammaticality

On the expression "no [noun 1] or any [noun 2]"

Do you write "AT", or "ON"? US English

"Is used" vs. "has been used" vs. "was used"

Another evidence

"User has uploaded files to your contest" or "User has uploaded files for your contest"?

Is it okay to use the Present Perfect tense twice in the same sentence? [duplicate]

Proper grammar regarding "write only" or "only write"

Is "acknowledge(accept status) sb + to + infinitive" valid?

One of my friends recently argued with me regarding the correctness of the follow statement

Modal Simple vs Simple Past [duplicate]

To be + continuous

"i.e." with "me", "myself", or "i"?

Does "Forgive me" need a pronoun before the object?

How to use 'the next steps' in a report [closed]

"Used to" or "used for"? [closed]

Question tag for a sentence starting with "few"

Double negation "does not any"

"... it not be shown."

Jacob learned what people started to farm at school

“Don’t have to” at the end of the sentence