New posts in grammaticality

This sentence is Past Simple or Participle "The sheep all baaed in unison."?

"May happen" is it correct? [closed]

Newspapers or the newspapers?

Is the sentence "How dare you have shot me?" correct? [closed]

Is it true that if you use a preposition and then a verb, it must end with "ing"?

Is "let go your hand" grammatically correct?

Can the word "that" modify a verb?

All this time or All these time?

"Enact Change" - Is it correct?

Is this correct: " all avail"?

Correct way of saying "errands to run" [closed]

Which one of the following sentences is more correct?

What does "among whom" refer to?

It was dark by now [duplicate]

How is the sentence "This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind" grammatically correct?

Choosing the correct sentence [duplicate]

What does it mean by: This might take a while?

Move a subject from the middle of a sentence to its beginning [closed]

Which is correct — "I told you" or "I said you"? [closed]

Contraction of "is not"