New posts in grammatical-gender

Choice of pronoun to refer to 'one of us' when 'us' is male + female: they, he, she?

Why are some English nouns referred by "she" but never by "he"? [duplicate]

How is the gender of cities/countries determined in English? [closed]

Politically correct substitutes for (fe)male and (wo)man

Using 'her' vs. 'its' to refer to a country [duplicate]

When referring to a noun, when does the gender matter? [duplicate]

Should I use "his/her" or "its"? [duplicate]

What is the male equivalent of "mistress" in formal English?

"Gentleman" is to "male" as what is to "female"?

A term for a woman complaining about things/begging in a cute/childish way

Are there sentences in languages which use grammatical gender that lose meaning when translated into English?

What word means a “male temptress”?

Why is a woman a "widow" and a man a "widower"?

Specifying Pronouns as He/Him;She/Her;They/Them

Should foreign words used in English be inflected for gender, number, and case according to the conventions of their source language?

Female Actor or Actress

Why does English use singular they instead of making up a new word for this? [closed]

What is a gender-neutral or inclusive term for "craftsmen"? [duplicate]

Is the genderless pronoun "they" appropriate and grammatical for a non-binary gender? [duplicate]

Feminine equivalent for Casanova [duplicate]