New posts in analogy

Is there another way to say, "drive the point in further?" or belabor the point?"

Single analogous word to "pedagogy" for learning

Is there a SPORTS PHRASE [in particular, one relating to “soccer”] similar to "make sure all our bases are covered"?

supplant : replace :: snatch : take

"Plural" is to "pluralize" as "possessive" is to...?

Is this an analogy or metaphor or what? [duplicate]

Irregular shape with projections and recesses that interlock with other shapes

What is the word for something that is based on a prototype?

Are analogies and metaphors both forms of comparison, with analogies being analytical thinking and metaphors being creative or lateral thinking?

Is "plantingly" an adverb?

Circle is to cylinder as ellipse is to what?

"Sender" is to "receiver" as "distributor" is to what?

Who's synonymous with lack of choice?

"Nose" is to "nasal" as "throat" is to what?

Word for a public place where people frequently come in contact with one another

Metaphor for conflict of interest

Horizontal analog of a meridian?

Analogy of people observing something from different viewpoints without recognizing it's the same thing

Confusion in analogy Hailstorm : Destruction :: Brainstorm :? [closed]

A word for 'relating to taste' [duplicate]