Feminine equivalent for Casanova [duplicate]

Solution 1:

I don't think you can find a term that is entirely symmetrical, because the cultural concepts of romantic and sexual pursuit aren't symmetrical. Identical behavior in a man and a woman will usually be interpreted differently in most cultures I know.

The reason it's hard for you to find a non-perjorative female counterpart to casanova, and the reason so many of the suggestions given here are either negative in connotations (maneater, siren) or full of other connotations (Mata Hari, Cleopatra) isn't in the words and names, they just reflect a cultural bias inherent in our society.

Solution 2:

Casanova does not have a consistent definition but here are a few typical examples:

Casanova — 1) A man who is amorously and gallantly attentive to women. 2) A promiscuous man; a philanderer.

Casanova — a man with a reputation for having many amorous adventures; rake; Don Juan.

Casanova — lover; especially a man who is a promiscuous and unscrupulous lover

The closest match I could find was femme fatale:

A femme fatale is a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers in bonds of irresistible desire, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations.

femme fatale — an irresistibly attractive woman, especially one who leads men into difficult, dangerous, or disastrous situations; siren.

femme fatale — a woman who attracts men by an aura of charm and mystery

The major difference between the two is that a Casanova typically pursues women while a femme fatale lures men. Most of the other suggestions have the same fundamental issue. Typically, any term referring to a women to chases or charms men has extremely negative connotations (e.g. slut; seducer). Casanova doesn't completely escape these negative connotations but there is still a sense of accomplishment or prowess in the Casanova's ability to charm women.

Of the variants I know, the most positive simply describe the women's attractiveness:

  • bombshell
  • pin-up girl
  • supermodel
  • sex symbol

Which, again, falls into the category of the women luring men instead of chasing after them and winning their hearts through charm.

Solution 3:

A siren is a good term for a beautiful woman that lures men to do what she wants.

Urban dictionary - Siren

A very attractive female who has many boys drooling over her.

The classic tease. A girl who leads on multiple guys with either her attraction or seductive personality, only to reject every offer sent her way; leaving the guy to grieve over his shortcoming.

Seductress or temptress might have the classical connotation that Casanova has.

a woman who seduces someone, esp. one who entices a man into sexual activity.

There is also man-eater for the 80s Hall and Oates fans:

So many have paid to see
What you think
You're gettin' for free
The woman is wild
A she-cat tamed
By the purr of a Jaguar
Money's the matter
If you're in it for love
You ain't gonna get too far

(Oh-oh, here she comes)
Watch out boy She'll chew you up
(Oh-oh, here she comes)
She's a maneater