New posts in foundations

Prove that, if n sets are countably infinite, then the Cartesian product of all the sets is countably infinite.

Do we know the index of the minimal stage in the constructible universe which is a model of $ZFC$?

Does equality of sets follow not only from what they contain but also from what they are contained by?

Proving sets are infinite.

Are the real numbers ever needed to prove a property of the natural numbers?

Any branch of math can be expressed within set theory, is the reverse true?

Developing category theory inside ETCS

Can all math results be formalized and checked by a computer?

How can one prove the axiom of collection in ZFC without using the axiom of foundation?

Why not we avoid the phrase "if we assume AC " and take it as granted?

Should this "definition" of set equality be an axiom?

What is mathematical logic?

Looking for an approach to mathematical notation wherein the universe is divided into disjoint worlds.

When we say, "ZFC can found most of mathematics," what do we really mean?

Prove that the set of equivalence classes generated by ~ is uncountable

Category theory without sets

Do the Kolmogorov's axioms permit speaking of frequencies of occurence in any meaningful sense?

Preserving equality between different mathematical objects

A "clean" approach to integrals.

What makes radians superior to turns/revolutions?