New posts in foundations

What lessons have mathematicians drawn from the existence of non-standard models?

Are professional mathematicians concerned with formalizing infinitely many dependent choices?

The "functions" of untyped lambda calculus are not (set theoretic) functions so what are they?

The boundaries of mathematics?

A model-theoretic question re: Nelson and exponentiation

What does it mean to say that a particular mathematical theory is a foundation for mathematics?

Gödel's paradox: Why is "a proof that some universal statement is unprovable" not a valid proof that this statement is true? [duplicate]

Without foundation: Not transitive model of ZFC?

Definition of an $n$-tuple agreeing with the Kuratowski's definition of an ordered pair

Why this works for proving ZF axioms system is free of Russell's paradox?

What follows from Axiom of Dependent Choice (DC) and what doesn't?

Purpose of the Peano Axioms

Meta Theory when studying Set Theory

Is most of mathematics independent of set theory? [closed]

Is Pythagoras' Theorem a theorem?

What are some results that shook the foundations of one or more fields of mathematics? [closed]

How can there be alternatives for the foundations of mathematics?

On the large cardinals foundations of categories

What is wrong with ZFC?

Is consistency an axiom of mathematics?