New posts in foundations

Type theory as foundations

Motivation for different mathematics foundations

Is multiplication of real numbers uniquely defined as being distributive over addition?

Why doesn't the independence of the continuum hypothesis immediately imply that ZFC is unsatisfactory?

What in Mathematics cannot be described within set theory? [duplicate]

What axioms does ZF have, exactly?

Are there areas of mathematics (current or future) that cannot be formalized in set theory?

Why does one have to check if axioms are true?

Are there any nontrivial examples of contradictions arising in non-foundational or applied math due to naive set theory?

Some confusion about what a function "really is".

Is there a model of ZFC inside which ZFC does not have a model?

Prove that the axiom of choice is necessary in order to prove something else.

Terry Tao's computational perspective on set theory

Is $\mathbb{N}$ impossible to pin down?

Fractional Calculus: Motivation and Foundations.

Positive set theory, antifoundation, and the "co-Russell set"

Difference between provability and truth of Goodstein's theorem

Can proof by contradiction 'fail'?

Why are we justified in using the real numbers to do geometry?

Are all "numbers" just one unit value transformed by a function?