New posts in foundations

What do people mean by "finite"?

Why did mathematicians choose ZFC set theory over Russell's type theory? [closed]

mathematical proof vs. first-order logic deductions

Mathematical logic book that uses a proof assistant?

Why does Cantor's Proof (that R is uncountable) fail for Q?

Why do we want the Axiom of the Power Set?

Can we prove that odd and even numbers alternate without using induction?

Why don't we use Presburger's arithmetic instead of Peano's arithmetic?

Axiomatic Foundations

What is the meaning of set-theoretic notation {}=0 and {{}}=1?

Quantifier: "For all sets"

Hao Wang's $\mathfrak S$ system/$\Sigma$ system: a "transfinite type" theory that avoids the Goedel's theorems.

The legitimacy of topos theory and intuitionism.

Groupoids more fundamental than categories, really?

What's behind the Banach-Tarski paradox? [closed]

Why choose sets to be the primitive objects in mathematics rather than, say, tuples?

What underlies formal logic (or math, generally)?

Are the addition and multiplication of real numbers, as we know them, unique?

Why doesn't this definition of natural numbers hold up in axiomatic set theory?

Are category-theory and set-theory on the equal foundational footing?