New posts in apostrophe

What’s the pronunciation of “ s’ ”? [duplicate]

Jones's or Jones'? [duplicate]

Apostrophe vs. Single Quote

"Y'all" or "ya'll"?

Usage of apostrophe in “baker’s dozen”

Why is "Geography's test was difficult" ungrammatical?

Apostrophes and caps in Happy Mother’s Day / Happy Mothers’ Day

How to indicate possession when using abbreviation "Dr."

Apostrophes in contractions: shan't, sha'n't or sha'nt?

“other’s lives” vs. “others’ lives”

standardisation of style; attributive nouns and Saxon genitives

Do any style guides recommend an apostrophe at the end for double possessors? (John and Jacks' house)

What does "apostrophe s" stand for in "What's it all mean"?

Phrasing "An hour's rest"

Apostrophes in 'and' conjuntion [duplicate]

What is the correct syntax for a plural possessive of a word already ending in s? [duplicate]

"Each person's car" vs. "each persons' car" [closed]

How do you make a word like "parent(s)" possessive? [duplicate]

Space before apostrophe

Use of lone apostrophe for plural?