New posts in apostrophe

What does " 'Nation " stand for in this context?

"Boys bicycle" vs. "boy's bicycle" [duplicate]

What happens when baker's, butcher's, etc. are in the plural?

doctors appointments or doctor's appointments or doctors' appointments [duplicate]

Does the Oakland Athletics logo misuse the apostrophe?

If someone famous owns a dog, is it "someone famous’ dog"? [duplicate]

Why does “today’s lesson” seem to be possessive?

"The species/species'/species's survival..."

Alzheimer disease or Alzheimer's disease? [closed]

The plural form of: One's life work

American rice vs rice of America [duplicate]

What is the correct spelling of "buyer* remorse"?

Why is an apostrophe used in the genitive “-’s”?

"Today's assumption" or "todays assumption" — which is valid grammar?

Using apostrophe when abbreviating "recommendations" as "reco's"

How do you punctuate what FFS expands to?

"'n'" as an abbreviation for "and" as in "rock 'n' roll"

Possessive apostrophes with names in speech marks [duplicate]

Should "each" be followed by a singular or plural possessive? [duplicate]

Odd possessive form of a proper name: Why does Dryden write “Lord Nonsuch his” instead of “Lord Nonsuch’s” but “Bibber’s” instead of “Bibber his”?