New posts in tensor-products

Tensor Product and Direct Sum

Show map between tensor products is a $R-$algebra homomorphism

direct product commutes with tensor product?

Understanding the definition of tensors as multilinear maps

For $M\otimes_R N$, why is it so imperative that $M$ be a right $R$-module and $N$ a left $R$-module?

What is the difference between a tensor product and an outer product?

$A\otimes_{\mathbb C}B$ is finitely generated as a $\mathbb C$-algebra. Does this imply that $A$ and $B$ are finitely generated?

Nonstandard definitions of complexifications

Is the tensor product over $B$ of two flat $A$-modules flat over $A$?

Does every element of tensor product look like this?

Question about perfect pairings

An 'obvious' property of algebraic integers?

Tensor Product and Physics

The physical meaning of the tensor product

When is $(M) / (M ⊗ I)$ $\simeq$ to $M/(MI)$?

Simplifying Quotient of Tensor Products

Operator norm on product space

Constructing the Hessian for a numerical ode solver

Tensor Product: Hilbert Spaces

Is it true that every element of $V \otimes W$ is a simple tensor $v \otimes w$?