New posts in tensor-products

$\Omega^1_{K|k}\otimes_KL\rightarrow\Omega^1_{L|k}$ is an isomorphism when $K\subset L$ is finite

Oh Times, $\otimes$ in linear algebra and tensors

Tensor product of integral domains over algebraically closed field (Ex. 9.5.O Vakil's FOAG)

Condition for a tensor to be decomposable

Show that a Z-module A is flat if and only if it is torsion-free?

Basis for Tensor Product of Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces

The Laplacian of the squared length of a (0,2)-tensor

Inner product on the tensor product of Hilbert spaces

Operator norm and tensor norms

Index notation in question about distribuitivity of tensor product over direct sum

What exactly is a tensor product?

Modules with $m \otimes n = n \otimes m$

Is there a rote algorithm to tell whether a tensor (of two vectors) can be reduced to an elementary tensor?

Double dot product vs double inner product

Decomposition of the tensor product $\mathbb{Q}_p \otimes_{\mathbb{Q}} \mathbb{Q}[i]$ into a product of fields

Why is the tensor product constructed in this way?

From exercise 2.3, Atiyah Macdonald

Generalize exterior algebra: vectors are nilcube instead of nilsquare

In what generality is the natural map $\textrm{Hom}_R(L,M)\otimes S \to \operatorname{Hom}_{R \otimes S}(L\otimes S, M \otimes S) $ an isomorphism?

Tensor product of monoids and arbitrary algebraic structures