New posts in tensor-products

Determining whether a certain element in a tensor product is zero

Embedding from exterior product to tensor product space

What are the commutative rings $R$ for which $A \otimes _{\Bbb Z} B = A \otimes _R B$ as abelian groups?

Kronecker Product Interpretation

Show that $1\otimes (1,1,\ldots)\neq 0$ in $\mathbb{Q} \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \prod_{n=2}^{\infty} (\mathbb{Z}/n \mathbb{Z})$.

Equality of two notions of tensor products over a commutative ring

Subspaces of a tensor product of vector spaces

Working out a concrete example of tensor product

Understanding the tensor-hom adjunction intuitively

Distributivity of tensor products over direct sums for group representations

Dual Commutes with Base Change

When does intersection commute with tensor product

Visual intuition for direct sum vs. tensor product of vector spaces

$x \otimes y - y \otimes x \neq 0$ in $I \otimes_{R} I$

Signs in the tensor product and internal hom of chain complexes

4th order tensors double dot product and inverse computation

Eigenvalues of outer product matrix of two N-dimensional vectors

Is a product of two Noetherian schemes over Spec $\mathbb Z$ a Noetherian scheme?

Relationship between tensor product and wedge product

Adjointness of Hom and Tensor