New posts in tensor-products

Dimension of $\mathbb{Q}\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \mathbb{Q}$ as a vector space over $\mathbb{Q}$

Tensor product of two quotient modules

Irreducible representations of a tensor product

If an $F$-algebra $A$ satisfies a multilinear identity $f$ then for any extension field $K$ of $F$, $A\otimes_F K$ also satisfies $f$.

Basis of extension of scalars

What does it mean to tensor with $\mathbb{Q}$?

A question about the tensor product of $\mathbb{Q}$

Universal properties of tensor product of Lie algebra representations.

Exactness of the Tensor Functor

Example of $V^* \otimes V^*$ not isomorphic to $(V \otimes V)^*$

Tensor product of linear codes and generators

How to understand "tensor" in commutative algebra?

There exists a unique isomorphism $M \otimes N \to N \otimes M$

$v \otimes v' = v' \otimes v$ implies $v = av'$

$(a\otimes b)^z = a^z \otimes b^z$ for elements in a $C^*$-algebra and $z\in \mathbb{C}$.

Addition and Tensor product of Vector spaces for beginners : Concrete example

Minimal and characteristic polynomials on tensor product spaces

Neukirch’s Number Theory – why is $ℂ \otimes_ℚ K → K_ℂ,~z \otimes a ↦ (j(z)a)_τ$ an isomorphism?

Difference Between Tensoring and Wedging.

Postitive definiteness of the Kronecker product of two positive definite matrices