New posts in smooth-manifolds

The Uniqueness Part of the Smooth-Manifold-Chart-Lemma in John M. Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.

What is an example of a manifold that is not smooth?

Is every transitive action conformal?

Does de Rham theorem hold for manifolds with boundary?

Why does the projection $\pi:(a,b,c) \in S^2 \to[a,b,c] \in P^2$ have rank 2 everywhere?

What are applications of Lie groups/algebras in mathematics?

Fundamental group has finite commutator subgroup

Do superellipses provide examples of submanifolds of $\Bbb{R}^2$ that are not smooth?

The differential of inclusion from S^{2} to R^{3}

Do local flows of left-invariant vector fields satisfy $\Phi_X^t\circ L_x=L_x\circ \Phi_X^t$?

Cartesian product of embeddings is embedding

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold and let $N$ be a manifold with boundary. If $dF_{p}$ is an isomorphism, then $F\left(p\right)\in\mbox{int}M $.

Lee, Introduction to Smooth Manifolds Solutions

$f:M \to N$ is a diffeomorphism iff $J(f)\ne 0$?

Intuitive interpretation of Ricci Flow

If two Riemannian manifolds can be isometrically immersed in each other, are they isometric?

Can the interior of a manifold be orientable but not its boundary?

What is "calculus" on a manifold?

Definition of smooth manifold using sheaves.

Understanding Takens' Embedding theorem