New posts in differential

About the subdifferential of a convex function

To use the regular level set theorem, is it enough to have a maximal rank?

For function like $f(x) = \log x,$ the derivative is finite for $x< 0.$ How can slope exist when there is no curve for x< 0 for our function?

Notation regarding different derivatives

Continuity of Derivative at a point.

What is the logic behind decomposing a derivative operator symbol. In the population growth equation? [duplicate]

Explication of the differential of a smooth map

Theorem 8.5 (The chain rule) from "An introduction to manifolds" by Tu - How should I understand the notation $(...)f$ where $f$ is a smooth function?

$\tau$ structure of the sixth Painlevé equation

Why do we differentiate?

Find the solution to the following differential equation: $ \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{x - y}{xy} $

How to handle the differential of a vector field, ${\rm d}X:TM\to TTM$, in terms of (equivalence classes of) curves?

If $y(x)$ is the solution of the differential equation $y'(x)=y^2+x,$ then $y(x)$ is differentiable how many times?

What is differential probability? [closed]

Can we define a derivative on the $p$-adic numbers?

Differentials Definition

Confused about the meaning of a differantial map in baby do Carmo.

The differential of inclusion from S^{2} to R^{3}

Is line element mathematically rigorous?

How is it that treating Leibniz notation as a fraction is fundamentally incorrect but at the same time useful?