New posts in valuation-theory

Why does the equation $x^2-82y^2=\pm2$ have solutions in every $\mathbb{Z}_p$ but not in $\mathbb{Z}$?

Is every discrete absolute value non-archimedean?

How to show the only absolute value on a finite field is the trivial one.

An infinite family of Artin-Schreier polynomials which all split in $\mathbf{F}_q(\!(\theta)\!)$

Convergence of a sequence in a non-Archimdean valuation for a field.

Why is $\mathbb{C}_p$ isomorphic to $\mathbb{C}$?

equivalent characterizations of discrete valuation rings

Concrete examples of valuation rings of rank two.

Is $O_{C_p}$ and ${O_{C_p}}^\times$ a profinite group or compact?

Can we define a derivative on the $p$-adic numbers?

Absolute values equivalence in $\mathbb{F}_{q}(x)$

Do $c=\frac{3\pm\sqrt{13}}2$ have meaningful 2-adic valuations?

Classical number theoretic applications of the $p$-adic numbers

Does every non-Archimedean absolute value satisfy the ultrametric inequality?

Simple property of a valuation on a field

Examples of Non-Noetherian Valuation Rings

$p$-adic valuation on algebraic numbers