New posts in compact-manifolds

Geometric intuition for torsion in $H_{2}$ of non-orientable $3$-manifold

Euler characteristic of a manifold is odd

Finitely generated singular homology

Hairy Ball Theorem: homotopy from the identity to the antipodal map

Could exists a vector field on $\mathbb{S}^{2}$ with exactly $n$ zeroes?

Norm Inequality on a Compact Riemannian Manifold

Why spheres are not symplectic manifolds?

Proof that a compact surface has a tangent plane orthogonal to position

If the connected sum of a manifold $M$ with itself gives back $M$, does it imply $M$ is a sphere?

Does there exist a compact submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^3$ whose fundamental group is $\mathbb{Z}^3$?

Understanding Takens' Embedding theorem

A non orientable closed surface cannot be embedded into $\mathbb{R}^3$

Examples of manifolds that are not boundaries