The Uniqueness Part of the Smooth-Manifold-Chart-Lemma in John M. Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.

About the topology: Every $(U_\alpha,\varphi_\alpha)$ needs to be a chart, meaning that $\varphi_\alpha$ is a homeomorphism on its image, so for every subset $V\subset U_\alpha$, $V$ is open if and only if $\varphi_\alpha(V)\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ is open. Since the $U_\alpha$s cover $M$, it means that the collection of open subsets of elements in $\{\varphi_\alpha(U_\alpha)\}$ induces a basis of a topology on $M$, thus the topology is indeed unique.

Regarding the smooth structure: The thing is that given an atlas $\{U_\alpha,\varphi_\alpha\}$, it always determines a unique smooth structure. To see this, note that if $(V,\psi),(V',\psi')$ both "agree" with the given atlas (i.e. all obtained transition maps are smooth), it follows from the chain rule that these two charts also agree with each other. Hence there is no choice when extending an atlas to a smooth structure - one just adds every chart that agrees with the given atlas.

Once again, since the $U_\alpha$'s cover $M$, the given collection is an atlas and it thus induces a unique smooth structure.