New posts in relative-pronouns

The way which you should hold them

What’s a better preposition in this sentence?

a relative pronoun/adverb as an adverbial

The meaning of ‘How’ in this conversation

What allows the omission of subject relative pronouns?

about relative pronoun

Do I use whom or who in this sentence? [duplicate]

Does the word "that" refer to "features" or "windows 9x"?

"teams which" or "teams who" [duplicate]

Is it possible to use the relative pronoun "which" to refer to people?

relative pronouns: “where I'd never been before” or “to which I'd never been before”?

there is a single person whose/whom/who being a person contains the events of his career

"None so blind as they/them that will not see"

Sentence starting with accusative case

is it whom or who in this phrase? [duplicate]

Why is 'which' the correct relative pronoun in this sentence, and not 'when'..?

Is 'whom' incorrect in this sentence? [duplicate]

Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking

She invited me to go with them, which I'd quite like to (do)

What does the phrase "it has been" mean in the sentence?