New posts in relative-pronouns

"If not for his wide, thin lips, perpetually drawn in a single disapproving line, she would have liked him too." [duplicate]

Do I need another 'which' in this sentence?

A relative pronoun acting as both object and subject?

Meaning of 'it would be hard to overstate' [closed]

those who(m) he thought were guilty

Relative pronoun where vs which usage

What is the subject of the relative pronoun of that?

How to choose between "which" and "that"? [duplicate]

Grammatically, why does it seem that 'that' can't follow the verb expressing propositional attitude in this sentence?

Can we use "who" by itself as a subject in spoken language?

Which or Who, Which should I use? [closed]

Comma before a participial phrase

"Who should be ashamed is your wife" is this ungrammatical? Why?

Is "that" a relative pronoun, a conjunction, or something else in "I know that..."? [closed]

"Whom"/"Who" in subordinate clauses [duplicate]

The relativized element of a relative clause?

When "who" is an antecedent, does it need to directly touch the person it's referring to?

Relative clause with "whose": is it misplaced?

I'm a stay-at-home person—but who <or whom> isn't these days? [duplicate]

What are the rules regarding one antecedent followed by many relative pronouns? [closed]