New posts in relative-clauses

Meaning of "And the day came when ... "

Relative clause with "whose": is it misplaced?

What are the rules regarding one antecedent followed by many relative pronouns? [closed]

What it the right choice?

How to understand the ingredient of this sentence?

Which is the correct sentence using the word 'Let'? [duplicate]

'that make me' or 'which make me' and when to omit 'that'

as/the way that [closed]

Can 'in which to' and 'with which to' be replaced by just 'to' in the following sentences?

"IT projects gone awry..." Qualifying a reduced relative clause rule

Double relative clause

Who/whom + who relative clause

"One of the most crucial problems that..."—"exists" or "exist"?

Is the -ing a participle in the sentence?

Which is the correct verb form with Who?

Use the object pronoun or the subject pronoun as the relative pronoun heading a restrictive clause that employs a transitive verb and a linking verb?

Meaning of the sentence "the body was found murdered by John"

Can a word function as a relative adverb and a relative pronoun simultaneously?

Convention or grammatical reason for commas around non-identifying relative clauses

Relative Clause Removal of "Relative Pronoun"