New posts in real-numbers

Find all functions $f:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ satisfying $xf(y)-yf(x)=f\left( \frac yx\right)$

Why is everything geometrical modeled on $\Bbb R$?

Which irrationals are contained in the Cantor set?

Is the Fibonacci constant $0.11235813213455...$ a normal number?

Can $\mathbb{R}^{+}$ be divided into two disjoint sets so that each set is closed under both addition and multiplication?

How to prove that: $19.999<e^\pi-\pi<20$?

Real Induction Over Multiple Variables?

How can $0.999\dots$ not equal $1$?

How is the sequence 1, 1.4, 1.41, 1.414 generated?

What do you get with this equivalence relationship for all $\mathbb{Q}$ sequences

Solve $f(x+f(2y))=f(x)+f(y)+y$

Enumeration of rationals from Stein-Shakarchi's Real Analysis (Chapter 1, Exercise 24)

Is there an example for an undefinable number?

What's a "deleted neighborhood"? (other than very very confusing)

Negative-base logarithm, where's the issue here

Infinite sequence of digits without consecutive repeating subsequenes

Is there a countable cover of $\mathbb{R}^2$ by balls $B(x_n, n^{-1/2})$?

Constructive proof of a problem from the book Analysis by Terence Tao [duplicate]

How prove $ \sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}>\pi$?

How to find definition for $a^r$ when r is any real number?