New posts in quantifiers

“doesn’t it”/“don’t they” with “every” as a determiner

Shouldn’t we use "lots of" with plural nouns and "a lot of" with singular ones?

How can I get the negation of $\exists!$ (unique existential quantification)? [duplicate]

What is dual to "There exists unique?"

What's the difference between $∀x\,∃y\,L(x, y)$ and $∃y\,∀x\,L(x, y)$?

A younger generation of men follow or follows? [closed]

Find all continuous functions that are continuous at $x=0$ [duplicate]

Order of universal and existential quantifier

Plural indefinite pronouns?

Semantics and Logical structure in Definitions

Clarifying a step in the bisection proof of Weierstrass-Bolzano Theorem

Does the unique existential quantifier commute with the existential quantifier?

{This/that vs. these/those} + many + plural noun

Why is a singular verb "is" used after "One-third of the population" while a plural verb "live" is used after "70 percent of the population"? [duplicate]

Proof of Drinker paradox [duplicate]

"Is" vs. "Are" when using the word "Pair" in a mathematical setting

In proofs, are "for each" and "for any" synonyms?

Difference between "for any" and "for all"?

Enumeration with "all"

Is $\forall x\,\exists y\, Q(x, y)$ the same as $\exists y\,\forall x\,Q(x, y)$?