New posts in quantifiers

Distributive property of division over addition and logic

Mixing and Distributing Qualifiers ($\forall x$, $\exists x$)

categorical interpretation of quantification

Basic question about proofs with the goal $\exists x P(x)$

Is 'many' used in positive sentences or not?

"He's good police"

Is the order of universal/existential quantifiers important?

Is there an Infix phrase for "any of x are y" in the english language?

Plenty of time, space, and money is needed or are needed?

Intuitive Reason that Quantifier Order Matters

Symbolize the following sentences with the given symbolization key

How to convert numerical claims to first order logic?

"There is" or "There are" a large quantity of people? [duplicate]

Regex expressions in Java, \\s vs. \\s+

The multiple meanings of "any" in different circumstances

Is $\forall x,\exists y (x \ge y^2 \Rightarrow x>0)$ same as $\forall x (\exists y: x\ge y^2\Rightarrow x > 0)$

Can 'nothing' ever be preceded by a plural verb?

Proof of a proposition involving universal quantifiers and a cover

Why does universal generalization work? (the rule of inference)

Universal quantifiers