New posts in probability

Reducing download time using prime numbers

±1-random walk from 5 until 20 or broke [closed]

Computing the Expectation of the Square of a Random Variable: $ \text{E}[X^{2}] $.

The mode of the Poisson Distribution

Probability brain teaser with infinite loop

If Monty Hall doesn't know where the prize is, should the contestant still switch doors, after Monty opens one door and unveiss a goat?

Maximum Likelihood Estimator for $\theta$ when $X_1,\dots, X_n \sim U(-\theta,\theta)$

Probability that sum of independent uniform variables is less than 1

What is the proof that covariance matrices are always semi-definite?

What are ways to compute polynomials that converge from above and below to a continuous and bounded function on $[0,1]$?

Expected Value of the maximum of two exponentially distributed random variables

Conditional expectation to de maximum $E(X_1\mid X_{(n)})$

What is the name of this theorem, and are there any caveats?

Derivation of chi-squared pdf with one degree of freedom from normal distribution pdf

Probability question about married couples

Probability of dice sum just greater than 100

probability distribution of coverage of a set after $X$ independently, randomly selected members of the set

Exercise 1.6.3 from Alon & Spencer's *The Probabilistic Method*: prove that $Pr[|X-Y| \leq 2] \leq 3 Pr[|X-Y| \leq 1]$ for i.i.d. real RVs $X$ and $Y$

Probability $P(Y_1 = 2 | Y_2 = 0)$ where $Y_1 = X_1 + X_2$ and $Y_2 = X_1 - X_2$ - $X1, \, X_2 \in \lbrace 1,2,3,4 \rbrace$ with uniform distribution

Why does this not seem to be random?