What are ways to compute polynomials that converge from above and below to a continuous and bounded function on $[0,1]$?

While the following does not fully answer my question, I make the following notes.

Polynomial Schemes

This section relates to finding polynomials for certain functions, but none of them have a finite expected running time in general. Other users are encouraged to add other answers to my question.

The following inequality from Nacu and Peres 2005 is useful: $$|\mathbb{E}[f(X/n)]-f(k/(2n))| \le \kappa_f(n), \tag{1}$$ where—

  • $\kappa_f(n)$ is a function that depends only on $f$ and $n$ and makes the inequality hold true for all $f$ belonging to a given class of functions (such as Lipschitz continuous or twice-differentiable functions), and
  • $X$ is a hypergeometric($2n$, $k$, $n$) random variable.

Notably, if a function $f$ is such that (1) holds true, then in general, for all $n$ that are powers of 2— $$a(k, n) = f(k/n)-\delta(n) \text{ and } b(k,n) = f(k/n)+\delta(n),$$ where $n$ is the polynomial's degree and $\delta(n)$ is a solution to the following functional equation: $$\delta(n) = \delta(n*2) + \kappa_f(n), $$or equivalently, the linear recurrence $\delta(n) = \delta(n+1) + \kappa_f(2^n)$.

For example—

  1. If $f$ is Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constant $C$
    • $\kappa_f(n) = C/\sqrt{2*n}$ , so
    • $\delta(n) = (1+\sqrt{2})C/\sqrt{n}$ , and
  2. If $f$ is twice differentiable and $M$ is not less than the highest value of $|f′′(x)|$ for any $x$ in [0, 1]—
    • $\kappa_f(n) = M/(4*n)$, so
    • $\delta(n) = M/(2*n)$

(Nacu and Peres 2005, Proposition 10). As experiments show, these bounds are far from tight, but they can generally be improved only by an order of magnitude.

A new result of mine exploits the results of Nacu and Peres to derive a new approximation scheme for Hölder continuous functions. For example, if $f$ is $\alpha$-Hölder continuous with Hölder constant $M$

  • $\kappa_f(n) = M(1/(7n))^{\alpha/2}$, so
  • $\delta(n) = \frac{M(2/7)^{\alpha/2}}{(2^{\alpha/2}-1)n^{\alpha/2}}$.

(For proofs and additional notes on approximation schemes I'm looking for, see my supplemental notes.)

Moreover, due to Jensen's inequality:

  • If $f$ is concave in $[0, 1]$, then $a(k,n) = f(k/n)$.
  • If $f$ is convex in $[0, 1]$, then $b(k, n) = f(k/n)$.

If $f$ equals 0 or 1 at the points 0 and/or 1, then $f$ can be transformed to bound it away from 0 and/or 1. For example, if $f(0)=0$, then it can be divided by a function that bounds $f$ from above. This case is too complicated to detail in this answer; see my supplemental notes for details.

Also, I have found the following result, which shows that any factory function admits an approximation scheme with polynomials (in a manner that solves the Bernoulli factory problem). This includes continuous functions that are not Hölder continuous. The method of proving the result goes back to Nacu and Peres (2005). This is one of several new results relating to this problem; see the appendix on my page on approximation schemes. However, again, this scheme doesn't have a finite expected running time in general.

Result: Let $f(\lambda)$ be a continuous function that maps [0, 1] to [0, 1], and let $X$ be a hypergeometric($2n$, $k$, $n$) random variable. Let $\omega(x)$ be a modulus of continuity of $f$ (a non-negative and nondecreasing function in the interval [0, 1], for which $\omega(x) = 0$, and for which $|f(x)-f(y)|\le\omega(|x-y|)$ for all $x$ in [0, 1] and all $y$ in [0, 1]). If $\omega$ is concave on [0, 1], then the expression—$$|\mathbb{E}[f(X/n)]-f(k/(2n))|, $$is bounded from above by—

  • $\omega(\sqrt{\frac{1}{8n-4}})$, for all n≥1 that are integer powers of 2,
  • $\omega(\sqrt{\frac{1}{7n}})$, for all n≥4 that are integer powers of 2, and
  • $\omega(\sqrt{\frac{1}{2n}})$, for all n≥1 that are integer powers of 2.

The only technical barrier, though, is to solve the functional equation—$$\delta(n) = \delta(2n) + \kappa(n), $$ where $\kappa(n)$ is one of the bounds proved above, such as $\omega\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{8n-4}}\right)$.

In general, the solution to this equation is—$$\delta(2^m) = \sum_{k=m}^\infty \kappa(2^k), $$ where $n = 2^m$ and $m\ge0$ are integers, provided the sum converges.

In this case, the third bound has a trivial solution when $\omega(x)$ is of the form $cx^\alpha$, but not in general.

Now, we approximate $f$ with polynomials in Bernstein form of power-of-two degrees. These are two sequences of polynomials that converge to $f$ from above and below, such that their coefficients "increase" and "decrease" just as the polynomials themselves do. In general, for all $n\ge1$ that are integer powers of 2— $$a(k, n) = f(k/n)-\delta(n) \text{ and } b(k,n) = f(k/n)+\delta(n).$$ Thus, for the polynomials of degree $n$, $\delta(n)$ is the amount by which to shift the approximating polynomials upward and downward.

New coins from old, smoothly

This section deals with the approximation scheme presented by Holtz et al. 2011, in the paper "New coins from old, smoothly". That paper proved the following results:

  1. A function $f(\lambda):[0,1]\to(0,1)$ can be approximated, in a manner that solves the Bernoulli factory problem, at the rate $O((\Delta_n(\lambda))^\beta)$ if and only if $f$ is $\lfloor\beta\rfloor$ times differentiable and has a ($\beta-\lfloor\beta\rfloor$)-Hölder continuous $\lfloor\beta\rfloor$-th derivative, where $\beta>0$ is a non-integer and $\Delta_n(\lambda) = \max((\lambda(1-\lambda)/n)^{1/2}, 1/n)$. (Roughly speaking, the rate is $O((1/n)^{\beta})$ when $\lambda$ is close to 0 or 1, and $O((1/n)^{\beta/2})$ elsewhere.)

  2. A function $f(\lambda):[0,1]\to(0,1)$ can be approximated, in a manner that solves the Bernoulli factory problem, at the rate $O((\Delta_n(\lambda))^{r+1})$ only if the $r$th derivative of $f$ is in the Zygmund class, where $r\ge 0$ is an integer.

The scheme is as follows:

Let $f$ be a continuous and $r$-times differentiable function—

  • that maps [0, 1] to the open interval (0, 1), and
  • whose $r$th derivative is $\beta$-Hölder continuous, where $\beta$ is in (0, 1).

Let $\alpha = r+\beta$, let $b = 2^s$, and let $s\ge0$ be an integer. Let $Q_{n, r}f$ be a degree $n+r$ approximating polynomial called a Lorentz operator (see the paper for details on the Lorentz operator). Let $n_0$ be the smallest $n$ such that $Q_{n_0, r}f$ has coefficients within [0, 1]. Define the following for every integer $n \ge n_0$ divisible by $n_{0}b$:

  • $f_{n_0} = Q_{n_0, r}f$.

  • $f_{n} = f_{n/b} + Q_{n, r}(f-f_{n/b})$ for each integer $n > n_0$.

  • $\phi(n, \alpha, \lambda) = \frac{\theta_{\alpha}}{n^{\alpha}}+(\frac{\lambda(1-\lambda)}{n})^{\alpha/2}$.

Let $B_{n, k, F}$ be the $k$th coefficient of the degree-$n$ Bernstein polynomial of $F$.

Let $C(\lambda)$ be a polynomial as follows: Find the degree-$n$ Bernstein polynomial of $\phi(n, r+\beta, \lambda)$, then elevate it to a degree-$n+r$ Bernstein polynomial.

Then the Bernstein coefficients for the degree $n+r$ polynomial that approximates $f$ are—

  • $g(n, r, k) = B_{n+r,k,f_{n}} - D * B_{n+r,k,C}$, and
  • $h(n, r, k) = B_{n+r,k,f_{n}} + D * B_{n+r,k,C}$.

However, this method can't be used as it is without more work. This is in part because this method uses three constants, namely $s$, $\theta_{\alpha}$, and $D$, that are vaguely defined in the paper. Moreover, due to the results above, I suspect that $f$ can be simulated on all of [0, 1] with a finite number of coin flips on average only if $f$ has a Hölder continuous fourth derivative. See my related question on MathOverflow.


Theorem 26 of Nacu and Peres (2005) and the proof of Keane and O'Brien (1994) give general ways to simulate continuous factory functions $f(\lambda)$ on the interval $[0, 1]$. The former is limited to functions that are bounded away from 0 and 1, while the latter is not. However, both methods don't provide formulas of the form $f(k/n) \pm \delta(n)$ that work for a whole class of factory functions (such as formulas of the kind given earlier in this answer). For this and other reasons, given below, both methods are impractical:

  • Before a given function $f$ can be simulated, the methods require computing the necessary degree of approximation (finding $k_a$ or $s_i$ for each polynomial $a$ or $i$, respectively). This work has to be repeated for each function $f$ to be simulated.
  • Computing the degree of approximation involves, among other things, checking whether the approximating polynomial is "close enough" to $f$, which can require either symbolic maximization or a numerical optimization that calculates rigorous upper and lower bounds.
  • This computation gets more and more time-intensive with increasing degree.
  • For a given $f$, it's not guaranteed whether the $k_a$'s (or $s_i$'s) will show a pattern or keep that pattern "forever" — especially since only a finite number of approximation degrees can be computed with these methods.


  • Nacu, Şerban, and Yuval Peres. "Fast simulation of new coins from old", The Annals of Applied Probability 15, no. 1A (2005): 93-115.
  • Flajolet, P., Pelletier, M., Soria, M., "On Buffon machines and numbers", arXiv:0906.5560 [math.PR], 2010.
  • Holtz, O., Nazarov, F., Peres, Y., "New Coins from Old, Smoothly", Constructive Approximation 33 (2011).