New posts in probability

Guessing number of colors of beads in an urn

expected absolute difference between shuffled range of numbers

Deriving an exact confidence interval for parameter of an exponential random variable

I get wrong answer for distribution of $y$ everytime

Find the expected value of $\frac{1}{X+1}$ where $X$ is binomial

Correlated joint normal distribution: calculating a probability

Variance of geometric distribution without replacement

Probability of being poisoned

Monty Hall Problem with Five Doors

If I have a $0.00048\%$ chance of dying every second, how to numerically calculate the chance I have of dying in a day?

What are the odds of getting heads 7 times in a row in 40 tries of flipping a coin?

How can I (algorithmically) count the number of ways n m-sided dice can add up to a given number?

Proof of "continuity from above" and "continuity from below" from the axioms of probability

Making 400k random choices from 400k samples seems to always end up with 63% distinct choices, why?

probability density of the maximum of samples from a uniform distribution

What does the value of a probability density function (PDF) at some x indicate?

Generate a random point within a circle (uniformly)

Best strategy to pick a lock which opens if at least two of its three decimal digit wheels are dialed correctly?

Is there a clever solution to this elementary probability/combinatorics problem?

Does this summation $ \sum_{x=a}^b \frac{p(1-p)^x}{(1-p)^a-(1-p)^b} $ equal 1?