New posts in monty-hall

Monty Hall Problem Intuition

Monty Hall Three-Door Puzzle

Subtle Twist on the Monty Hall Problem---Does It Make a Difference?

Monty hall problem probability 2/6?

Can there be generalization of Monty Hall Problem? [duplicate]

Another Monty Hall Question

Monty Hall: What is the "unconditional probability of success" and "conditional probability of success"?

Why isn't $\frac1{3p} =$ the probability that the strategy of always switching succeeds, given that Monty opens door 2?

What's wrong with my attempt to find the probability that the strategy of always switching succeeds, given that Monty opens door 2?

In the Monty Hall problem, why isn't Pr(I switch and win| Monty opens door 2) = 1/2?

What's wrong with this equal probability solution for Monty Hall Problem?

Could the Monty-Hall Problem be applied to multiple choice tests?

Is this a modified Monty Hall problem (numbered doors)?

Question about Monty Hall if you already knew a bad door beforehand

Monty Hall Problem with Five Doors

If Monty Hall doesn't know where the prize is, should the contestant still switch doors, after Monty opens one door and unveiss a goat?

A variant of the Monty Hall problem

Does Monty Hall logic apply to this real world situation?

Monty hall problem extended.

The Monty Hall problem